Responsible Lending

Anyone can lend money if they have it in excess, and are willing to part with it for a given period. However, not everyone is accredited, and thus not many who have both ability and willingness to lend, are regulated.

As financial services providers who bridge the gap to meet borrowing customers short - mid and long term financial obligations, accredited lenders have a duty of care to borrowing customers.

Care to borrowers include:

As much as possible, false and misleading advertisement of products should be avoided. Relevant information should communicate important T&Cs.

It is the lenders responsibility to keep borrowing customers information confidential. Information provided during the application process should not be used for any other purpose.

Adequate information with which the borrowing customers are able to make decisions about lenders products and services should be provided.

Information on attendant costs, fees and charges should be expressly shared on all user interface.

Civil, non-abusive lending practices should be adopted through out the relationship with every borrowing customer.

As with every successful relationship, there are expectations from all parties. Each one's commitment to respecting the terms to which they are bound, ensures the degree of success.

Pocketfuel is a duly registered company in Nigeria. Pocketfuel is Anti-Money Laundering Compliant and is authorized and regulated by the Money Lenders Act.

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Pocketfuel ®
Today | Tomorrow | Together

Lending | Advisory | Investment